Nous sommes Invouta
No chon Invouta
​We are Invouta
Ready for play live Be with US Book us

Ready for play live Be with US Book us
​clip video Tru rido
​clip video Toxique

Invouta was founded in 2016 by 3 veterans of the underground scene in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland. Many concerts, many adventures, a few line up changes but always in power trio band formation. Influences range from Led Zepplin to Marduk and from The Beatles to Dimmu Borgir, to put it in a nutshell. lyrics in french, Gruyère dialect sprinkled with english and local jargon , about death, hatred, anguish, violence, etc...... all the dark face of humanity.
for 2024, a studio album, a live album, clips and lives........
and new tracks...
full of new adventures in perspective
peace and stay metal
Invouta fut fondé en 2016 par 3 brisquards de la scène underground du canton de Fribourg. Moultes concerts, moultes aventures, quelques changements de line up, mais toujours en formation power trio, des influences allant de Led Zeppelin à Marduk en passant par les Beatles et Dimmu Borgir, pour faire simple. Textes en français, patoi gruyérien soupoudré d'anglais et de jargon du coin qui parlent de morts, de haine, d'angoisses, de violences, etc..... toutes les facettes noires de l'humain en général.
pour 2024, un album studio, un album live, des clips, et du live........
et des nouvelles compos.......
pleins de nouvelles aventures en perspective.
​peace and stay metal
line up 2024​

batterie / backing vocal

basse / vocal

with the support of the canton of Fribourg
​Option Gruyère